thebruce reported on the unForum thread that he received a contact via YouTube, leading him to the EYE04012009 YouTube account which at the time included a single video: E.Y.E. Am Coming (video also available on the videos page)
The video starts with an image of the moon within a frame. Clouds move from the sides towards the center.
At 00:19 the cloud and moon image fades away, and is replaced by an eye. The following text appears in the top-right corner:
E.Y.E. Am Coming…
April 1, 2009
Also, the audio track reverses at the same time (see below).
The audio is a song:
Follow the crowd,
follow the crowd.
Come with me,
You're gonna be so proud.
Don't stay behind
At this point, the audio track includes a reversed version of the following text:
Come with me,
you're gonna be so proud.
Don't stay behind
The video was actually uploaded a day earlier (Feb 8, 2009) by YouTube user EYE04012009. It included the following information:
April 1st, stay tuned for more info.